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The information in our reports is furnished for the confidential use of the purchaser only.  This data is unofficial and subject to change without notice. Wood & Tait, LLC/Trace & Locate provides all data “as is” and makes no guarantee or warranty as to the completeness, accuracy, usefulness, or fitness of any file or information provided, and the entire risk of using or acting upon any information obtained in any manner from Wood & Tait, LLC, including the entire cost of any and all remedies, is with those who choose to relay on any such information. Wood & Tait, LLC shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, damage or expense of any kind or nature, including attorney’s fees, or for any loss of business to its clients, or for any other loss from any cause or causes within or beyond the control of Wood & Tait, LLC, in connection with any client’s use of any portion of the Trace & Locate service(s).

Given that information is created, compiled, filed, stored, retrieved, and reported by people who can make mistakes and computers that can fail to perform properly, errors do occur in investigative research reports.

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